I've started this blog at the urging of my wife, who thought this would be a better outlet than facebook, for my point of view. Of course after starting it, I need something to write and to be honest I'm going to cheat on the first one. So here's something I wrote a while ago concerning Immigration reform. The subject hasn't gotten much attention lately due to fiscal cliffs and mass shootings, but is bound to come up again in the coming year.
Thanks for reading!
Immigration Reform
How do we take care of the illegal immigration problem in this country?
It will take a many faceted approach, that will not make everyone happy, and will probably anger everyone in some respect.
1. A national identity card.
As much as some will see this as a racist/Nazi approach, it is essential. All residents of the USA will be required to carry a national ID. It will state whether the
bearer is a natural citizen, naturalized, legal resident, or seeking residency. The last will be for currently illegal immigrants. More on that later.
A. Whenever a police officer, local, state or federal asks for identification, this card must be produced. As we live in the digital age, a quick check will tell
whether the card is legitimate (as it will be a photo id, with other identifying information). If you have left your card at home, the same check should be able
to tell if you are telling the truth. Of course we all know how many mistakes can be made, but hopefully the program will improve with use.
If you get pulled over for a moving violation, the officer always asks for license, registration and insurance. He would now also ask for federal ID.
B. Visitors from abroad would be required to show their passport as proof of their legal status. This would not vary from current law.
2. Fining Employers
For more than 20 years, it has been the responsibility of employers to certify that their employees are legally able to work in the United States. Sadly, this
doesn't seem to be regularly enforced. If the federal government would impose heavy fines for knowingly employing illegal workers, the demand for such
labor would begin to dry up. By instituting the above federal ID card, this process would be strengthened. Employers would have no excuse for hiring illegals,
and would be penalized if they did.
As the jobs evaporate for illegals, many would return to their home countries.
3. Illegal immigrants .
Many here illegally have been here for years, have had families and put down roots. Although they have broken the law, we cannot easily deport 10-12
million people. It just isn't practical.
A. All residents of the country will be required to apply for, and possess a national ID card, as stated above.
B. If said person is an illegal immigrant in good standing (ie, no felony or misdemeanor convictions, aside from entering the country illegally), they would
be able to apply for legal residency. This would include a fine for their illegal entry into the country, but would provide them with legal status.
C. If their status is not acceptable, they would be deported.
D. Once legal residency is established, the immigrant would be given a timetable for attaining naturalized citizen status. Legal residency would not be
given to those just seeking temporary work status. They would have to be genuine in their intent to become citizens.
E. If the immigrant does not fulfill the requirements for citizenship in the time allotted, their legal resident status would be revoked, and they would be
F. All efforts must be made to keep families together. Many illegal immigrants have children who are U.S. citizens. This is a matter of birth, and it is not
the fault of the children. Birthright citizenship is a legal right in this country. Just ask John McCain or Barack Obama.
G. A former illegal immigrants ID card would specify that they are seeking legal residency.
4. If all of the above were implemented, the illegal population, in my opinion, would rapidly decline. There would be no need to station federal or National Guard
troops along the border, or build a wall that we could never properly maintain or man.
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